For about forty dollars you can buy a Voltage Tester Pen 12-1000 AC V online. It is also possible to buy Vitamin B-12 1000 mg online, but that dosage is much higher than the recommended daily allowance. And every 1000 years or so, 12″ rainfalls have occurred, causing devastation. What do these facts have in common? Various combinations of the numbers 12 and 1000. The fraction 12/1000 is one that Kevin Harvick fans are gnashing their teeth over following Sunday‘s Cup race, as that was the difference between winning and coming in second. [Editor‘s Note: It looks like Harvick fans have a lot more to gnash their teeth about, following a post-inspection infraction.] There are some fans that gnash their teeth at the commercials during a race broadcast. For those folks who like to know precisely how many ads there were, and how much time they took during the broadcast, here is this week‘s breakdown.
Race and Commercial Breakdown of the 2023 YellaWood 500
Start time to record race/commercial periods: 1:44 PM
End time to record race/commercial periods: 5:22 PM
Total minutes of complete race broadcast: 218
Minutes of race broadcast: 173
Minutes of traditional commercials: 45
Minutes of side-by-side commercials: 12
Total number of commercials: 133
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 53
Total number of traditional commercials (not split-screen): 104
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 50
Total number of ‘Side-by-Side‘ commercials during the broadcast (split-screen): 29
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 17
Number of times NBC utilized ‘Side-by-Side‘ commercials during the broadcast: 4
Companies seen the most in commercials during this broadcast: Sonic (7 times); YellaWood (6 times); WPXI (5 times); (5 times); Auto-Owners Insurance (4 times); Peacock (4 times); Coca-Cola (4 times); Toyota (4 times); Xfinity (4 times)
— See much more at CawsNJaws.