Streets of Detroit Weather - Detroit, MI INDYCAR Race Weather

Wisconsin, US
10:02 pm, Jun 25
L: 66° H: 72°
Feels like 69.48 °F scattered clouds
Wind gusts: 1 m/s
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 inch
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 5:16 am
Sunset: 8:48 pm
Humidity 85 %
Pressure1010 mb
Wind 1 m/s

Forecast Discussion & Updates


IMSA Mark Sweeney (@IMSA_Wxman)

IndyCar @IndyCar_Wxman

NHRA Elizabeth Ohlemacher (@NHRA_weather)

NASCAR & Formula One Aaron Studwell, Ph.D. (@RaceWeather) & Elizabeth Ohlemacher (@NHRA_weather)

Road America, in beautiful Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin has a rich, captivating history spanning back to the early 1950s. Road America regularly shares key historical moments to race fans across the world to share in the camaraderie of racing. All imagery and historical details taken from the Road America archives. Learn more about America’s National Park of Speed!

To learn about sponsorship opportunities in INDYCAR Series Race at Road America,
visit EC Sports Management.

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